General Tab Configuration

The General Tab is the main (and in some cases, the only) tab you need to complete in order to list a product. This tab has all the critical information needed for the basic display of a product.

Product Details

This box is pretty simple. You just need to enter the product title, price, SKU & quantity. In addition to those items, the following deserve a bit of explanation:

  • Quantity Type - Limited means you have a limited stock that can be sold whereas "unlimited" as shown means you'll never run out. You'd use unlimited for digital products, for example where there's no limit to the number of downloads that can be sold.
  • Access - If the item is public, then everyone can see the product on the website. Other choices are:
    • Registered - Only can be seen by someone who's logged in to their account.
    • Special - if you have specific groups in Joomla! setup and you only want this group or groups to view these products, then use the special access.
  • Availability Options - Defines the availability of the product:
    • Always Available - Used when you aren't tracking stock, the product will always show as in stock or available.
    • Not Available - Used when you want to show a product that might be out of stock, but you are in the process of restocking. You'd want this if you want your customers to know you normally carry the item, but you're temporarily out of stock.
    • Contact Me For More Info - If you only get a few items at a time, and they sell quickly, perhaps you'd use this so that customers would know to call or contact you through a contact form to see if the item is in stock at the time of desired purchase.
    • Dont Display Product Hides product from user view in category view until you switch it back on. The biggest difference between this setting and unpublishing the product is that if you have linked to the product URL from an email, social media, etc..., the link will still work, and those with the link can still purchase. This also hides the product from searches, so essentially, you would use this for hidden product promotions that you only wanted people with the link to access.
  • Published - If yes, it's globally visible, if set to off, then the product is turned off, and direct links to product will break.


Simply, select the category that this product should fall under.

A couple things to note:

A product can belong to multiple categories (assign using the checkboxes) but only one default category. The default category can be either one of the checkboxed categories, or completely different. The general idea behind this is best illustrated with this scenario:

You create a product that is a Samsung Galaxy S6 phone. It belongs in three categories:

  • Mobile Phones
    • Android Phones
    • Android 4.2 OS

While the phone is assigned to all three categories, it can only have one default category, so in this case, we assign it to the Android Phones category as a default.


The tax box simply allows you to do two things:

  1. Ignore taxes globally with the Tax Exempt field
  2. If the Tax Exempt field is set to no (for most stores), then it looks at the Tax Class field to determine what tax rules should be used. You should have setup the tax rules here first.


Badges put those pretty little "Featured" or "New Product" badges on your products that you wish to feature.

Simply choose whether "featured" is on or off using the no and yes radio buttons, define the dates it starts and ends it's featured status if you do choose to feature the product, and/or if the product should say, "new product" and until when.


This box allows you to add product images or videos by simply dragging and dropping your product images into the "Add new image or video box".

Short Description Text Box

The short description box supports HTML code, so you can either enter your short description in either plain text, or using standard HTML code.

Tip - If you wish, you can enter the short description in the long description box using the editor, then cut and paste the source code from the long description box to the short description box.

First, create your content using the editor (We use JCE Editor in this tutorial).

Then we toggle to HTML view and copy and paste the HTML output to the Short Description box.

Long Description Editor Box**

Enter your long description in the text box.

After entering all the data you require for the product, just click the save button, check your work, and then click save & close

This completes the basic product setup for paGO Commerce.

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